Changelog for all supported components and future plans
1.5.2 - (25/09/2022)
- Change: Hidden config values will be hidden in audit log until clicked
- Fix: Audits will show username instead of internal user id
- Fix: Edit configuration value modal not setting the correct values when opening and closing on the same value
1.5.1 - (25/09/2022)
- Added: Railway deploy templates
1.5.0 - (25/09/2022)
- Added: Audit log for configuration changes
- Added: Requests to add a user to a project can be revoked before a user has accepted the request
1.4.0 - (19/09/2022)
- Added: Option to unlink configurations
- Added: Option to change the link between configurations after creation
- When changing a link cycles will be prevented, for example, a setup with
cannot be linked toc
as it would create a cycle
- When changing a link cycles will be prevented, for example, a setup with
1.3.1 - (17/09/2022)
- Fix: Fixed scrollbar not being re-enabled after editing a configuration value
1.3.0 - (17/09/2022)
- Added: Projects can have icons
- Size of images is currently limited to 100KB
- GIF's are supported 🥳🎉
- Added: Configuration can now be renamed
- Change: Projects link will now be hidden when not logged in
- Change: Duplicate config, Create Linked Config have been moved into a modal
- Change: Delete config has been moved into a modal and requires confirmation before performing the action
- Added: Projects can have icons
1.2.0 - (14/09/2022)
- Added: Search box on project page
- Change: Improve user settings page UI/UX
- Change: User icons will first check icon provided by gravatar before defaulting to icon form authentication provider. A default icon will be given if the user does not have a gravatar icon
- Change: Config values will no longer be edited when exporting as .env
- Docker image is now available for selfhosting, see Self Hosting for details
1.1.1 - (2022/09/11)
- Fix: Addressed memory leak caused by creating multiple prisma clients
1.1.0 - (2022/09/10)
- Updated to allow for CLI Login
1.0.0 - (2022/09/07)
- Initial Release
Planned features
- Email only login
Node CLI
2.0.0 - (2022/09/10)
- Added: Login to CLI via website
- Added: Check currently logged in user
- Added: Login command
- Added: Download command
1.0.0 - (2022/09/07)
- Initial Release
Planned features
- Merge previously downloaded .env file with newly downloaded file